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Saturday 29 June 2024

This is the 'freedom' the US advocates: People who tell the truth have to plead guilty; US consolidate ties with Australia, strengthen small cliques in Asia-Pacific: expert

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange walks through the US Federal Courthouse in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands in Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands, on June 26, 2024 Photo:VCGAfter a years-long legal battle surrounding the founder of WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, a dramatic turn has finally arrived. He has obtained long-awaited "freedom," though at the cost of pleading guilty to a felony charge related to his alleged role in orchestrating one of the largest-ever breaches of US classified military and diplomatic documents. On Thursday, he landed back home in Australia, as a free man for the first time in 12 years.

People who tell the truth have to confess in exchange for "freedom" - the fate of Assange demonstrates that the "free beacon" of the US has ultimately collapsed. 

Founded in 2006, WikiLeaks exposed US military war crimes four years after its inception. Assange, the founder of the website, quickly became embroiled in lawsuits, with the US charging him with 18 counts, including violations of the Espionage Act. Arrested and imprisoned in the UK, Assange spent 1,901 days in a three-meter long, two-meter-wide cell, isolated from the world for 23 hours a day. Simultaneously, the US requested his extradition. The 52-year-old man now appears much older than his real age.

The US was determined to extradite Assange, ostensibly because he released what the US claimed was classified information related to national security and foreign affairs through WikiLeaks. However, in reality, it is a show to demonstrate that anyone who dares to challenge US hegemony and embarrass the US will be punished, Shen Yi, a professor at Fudan University, told the Global Times. By holding Assange accountable, the US government also hopes to set a strong precedent, demonstrating a zero-tolerance attitude toward leaking information that threatens its hegemonic status and reputation, and deterring other potential whistleblowers and leakers.

The seemingly sudden release of Assange can be seen as the most "dignified" choice for the US. The "plea deal" not only demonstrates the US' emphasis on the so-called national security, but also reduces the uncertainty of further legal battles, seemingly giving the US a "sense of victory," said Lü Xiang, a research fellow at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

The US has displayed its double standard once again. Protecting human rights and freedom is something that US adversaries, not the US itself, should do. Speech that serves US interests, regardless of whether it is factual or logical, can get a free pass. But what the US does not like, especially the truths that would embarrass the US, are considered "guilty" or even a "crime." The narratives of freedom of speech swing with changes in US interests. 

Although the US can force Assange to "plead guilty" through various means, the atrocities exposed by WikiLeaks cannot be erased. WikiLeaks exposed a large number of US diplomatic cables and military confidential documents during the Afghanistan and Iraq wars, revealing US war crimes. The video of the US military "Apache" helicopter shooting civilians in Iraq will continue to be remembered by people.

In order to cover up its crimes, laws can become tools of the US government. The chilling effect it hopes to achieve on "whistleblowers" not only brings personal harm to Assange but also deepens the world's profound doubts about the values that the US boasts. 

A years-long international saga involving Assange may be over, but this history of injustice will always be remembered. Its impact will continue to resonate in the public and media spheres, reminding people of the US' trampling of freedom and human rights.
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Settling Assange's case helps US consolidate ties with Australia, strengthen small cliques in Asia-Pacific: expert

A demonstrator holds a placard reading Freedom for Julian Assange during a protest outside of the Royal Courts of Justice, Britain's High Court, on February 21, 2024. Photo: AFP

A demonstrator holds a placard reading "Freedom for Julian Assange" during a protest outside of the Royal Courts of Justice, Britain's High Court, on February 21, 2024. Photo: AFP

The curtain has closed on Julian Assange's saga as the WikiLeaks founder pleaded guilty to violating US espionage laws and walked out of court as a free man on Wednesday. Yet his case has exposed the hypocrisy of the US' long-flaunted freedom of speech and the ugliness of the country's relentless efforts to crush those who have "got in the way."

The US' gains from settling this high-profile case are multi-dimensional. Not only did the US intimidate people trying to expose US' dirty laundries, but it also removed one obstacle in its relationship with Australia, where Assange is from and where there has been advocacy for his release, observers noted. Consolidating coordination with Australia can help the US counter China's influence in the Western Pacific region through the creation of alliances, said experts. 

Assange walked free on Wednesday from a court on the US Pacific island territory of Saipan after pleading guilty to violating US espionage law, in a deal that allowed him to head straight home to Australia, per Reuters.

His release ends a 14-year legal saga in which Assange spent more than five years in a British high-security jail and seven years in asylum at the Ecuadorean Embassy in London battling extradition to Sweden on sexual assault allegations and to the US, where he faced 18 criminal charges.

Those charges stemmed from WikiLeaks' release in 2010 of hundreds of thousands of classified US military documents on Washington's wars in Afghanistan and Iraq - one of the largest breaches of secret information in US history.

During a three-hour hearing in Saipan, Assange pleaded guilty to only one criminal count of conspiring to obtain and disclose classified national defense documents but said he had believed the US Constitution's First Amendment, which protects free speech, shielded his activities.

"He [Assange] has suffered tremendously in his fight for free speech, for freedom of the press, and to ensure that the American public and the world community gets truthful and important newsworthy information," Assange's US lawyer Barry J Pollack said outside court in Saipan, Australian media reported.

The decades-long saga basically tells the world US political power can crush any form of freedom and legal terms, Lü Xiang, a research fellow at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, told the Global Times.

Assange has endured a great deal over the past 14 years, yet his power and resources are too limited to effectively combat the US political machine, said Lü. While Assange's guilty plea is unjust and unfortunate, his experiences, along with WikiLeaks, have further exposed the real US to the world.

The case of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange shows the world 
what US-style "freedom of the press" really is, said Wang Wenbin, then spokesperson for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, at a press briefing in May.

Wang said the case shows the US believes exposure of other countries' secrets should be rewarded, but exposure of its own should be punished. The remarks came after Assange won a victory in his ongoing battle against extradition from the UK to the US, after the High Court in London granted him permission to appeal.

Secret diplomatic maneuvers 

Behind closed doors, an Australia-US-UK diplomatic dance opened the way for a plea deal to free the WikiLeaks founder, analysts and a diplomat previously involved in the case told AFP.

The tide shifted strongly in Assange's favor after Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese was elected in May 2022 and made his release a priority, a diplomat who did not want to be named told the AFP. 

Assange and his family had been advised previously that he should plead guilty and strike a deal because it would be difficult for the US to drop the charges, said the diplomat.

In February this year, Albanese said he hoped for an amicable end to the prosecution of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange after Australian lawmakers ramped up pressure on the US and UK by passing a motion calling for Assange to be allowed to return to his home country.

The release of Assange has helped to remove a major obstacle between Washington and Canberra, strengthening their coordination. Washington had the current Asia-Pacific situation in mind when deciding to settle the case, Li Haidong, a professor at the China Foreign Affairs University, told the Global Times. 

The US and Australia have strong cooperation in both political and security aspects. Strengthening cooperation with Australia can help US counter China's influence in the Western Pacific region through the creation of alliances, Li explained. 

"I think part of the reason this has happened today is because it was becoming a significant issue for the relationship," Emma Shortis, senior researcher in international and security affairs at The Australia Institute thinktank, told media, noting that notably since London, Washington and Canberra agreed on a nuclear-powered submarine pact, AUKUS.

Li said after 14 years, the US has come to the conclusion that continuing to pursue the Assange case is no longer worth the effort. Therefore, Assange's confession and return to Australia are seen as a means for the US to save face and for the relationship between the US and Australia to be repaired.

What is even more tragic than Assange's guilty plea is that his fate is not the outcome of his own actions, but rather the result of a compromise and coordination among various governments for geopolitical reasons, said Li.

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Friday 28 June 2024

A prescription for trouble



PETALING JAYA: Curbing the sale of unregistered medical items online is still a challenge, although the Medical Device Authority (MDA) has been clamping down on distributors of these unapproved products.

Condoms and contact lenses are among the top items sold without proper registration.

Within the first six months of the year, the MDA conducted two raids in the Klang Valley area. 

ALSO READ: Experts: Avoid buying unregistered medical items

“The MDA works to ensure compliance. But challenges like unauthorised online sales still remain. The MDA has successfully resolved 19 cases since 2020.

“This year, we conducted two raiding operations in the Klang Valley area,” a spokesperson for the Health Ministry agency said when contacted.

The MDA conducts an average of four raids a year in relation to the sale of unregistered medical devices or businesses operating without a valid MDA licence.

“A total of four cases have been brought to court so far. Besides that, MDA has suspended 28 establishment licences and revoked six establishment licences for a variety of violations under Act 737 (Medical Device Act 2012),” said MDA.

Products worth RM1.5mil were seized in these operations.

The top five items seized include examination gloves, contact lenses, blood lancets, medical face masks, and condoms.

These items, said the MDA, also included those sold on ecommerce or social media platforms.

“Based on our market surveillance activities, unregistered medical devices are also found in pharmacies and convenience stores. This is because there are irresponsible distributors who are distributing unregistered medical devices without licence to pharmacies as well as convenience stores,” said the MDA.

The MDA received a total of 19,833 applications for the registration of devices. Of these 9,650, there were new registrations. A total of 18,136 applications were approved, including 9,153 new ones.

“The requirement for the registration of medical devices is stated in the Third Schedule of the Medical Device Regulations 2012,” the spokesperson said.

An approval should be obtained from MDA before medical device advertisements are published or broadcast in any medium or platform.

“Furthermore, the MDA will always monitor advertisements across all platforms from time to time to curb the sales of unregistered medical devices and unapproved advertisements,” added the spokesperson.

As unregistered medical devices are available on the market, the MDA advises the public to verify the device’s registration status before purchasing.

This can be done by keying in the registration number on the authority’s website.

When contacted, Deputy Domestic Trade and Cost of Living Minister Fuziah Salleh said the regulation of medical devices falls under the purview of MDA.

However, if a medical device is found to have fake certification, the ministry can take the necessary action under the Trademarks Act 2019.

“If the medical device (appears) to have the approval of the MDA but the MDA confirms that it doesn’t, then we can take action according to the Trade Descriptions Act 2011.

“The ministry has not received any complaints in relation to this issue to date.

“However, a joint operation can be conducted to curb this according to the jurisdiction of the respective agencies,” she said.

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Thursday 27 June 2024

Seniors, lift weights for one year to preserve your leg strength


Taking up resistance training using heavy weights can help seniors maintain their leg strength, which is a strong predictor of death in the elderly. — AFP

Lifting heavy weights around the time of retirement could preserve leg strength into older age, research suggests.

People naturally lose muscle function as they get older, and experts see faltering leg strength as a strong predictor of death in elderly people.

Previous short-term studies have shown that resistance training, which can involve weights, body weight or resistance bands, can help prevent this from happening.

New research has explored the long-term effects of a one-year supervised resistance training programme using heavy weights.

For the study, 451 people of retirement age were randomly split to undergo one year of heavy resistance training, one year of moderate-intensity training, or one year of no extra exercise, on top of their usual activity.

People in the resistance training group lifted heavy weights three times a week, while those doing moderate-intensity training did circuits, including body weight exercises and resistance bands three times a week.

Each exercise in the resistance training group involved three sets of six to 12 repetitions at between 70% and 85% of the maximum weight the person could lift for one repetition.

Bone and muscle strength, and levels of body fat, were measured at the start of the research, and then again after one, two and four years.

At the four-year mark, the full results were available for 369 people.

They showed that those in the resistance training group had maintained their leg strength over time, while those doing no exercise or at moderate intensity had lost strength.

Writing in the journal BMJ Open Sport and Exercise Medicine, the researchers concluded: “In well-functioning older adults at retirement age, one year of heavy resistance training may induce long-lasting beneficial effects by preserving muscle function.”

The researchers found, however, that there was no difference among the three groups in leg extensor power, which is the ability to kick a pedal as hard and as fast as possible; handgrip strength (a measure of overall strength); and lean leg mass (weight minus body fat), with decreases in all of these.

When looking at visceral fat stored internally around organs, levels remained the same in the resistance training and moderate-intensity exercise groups, but increased in the no-exercise group.

The authors, including from the University of Copenhagen in Denmark, said people in the study were generally more active (clocking up an average of nearly 10,000 steps a day) than the population as a whole.

But they concluded: “This study provides evidence that resistance training with heavy loads at retirement age can have long-term effects over several years.

“The results, therefore, provide means for practitioners and policymakers to encourage older individuals to engage in heavy resistance training.”

People at the end of the study were aged 71 on average, and 61% were women. – PA Media/dpa

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Wednesday 26 June 2024

Yes, please contact owner 0124860539, thank you

Photo:  Wang Sijiang

Photo: Wang Sijiang

Chang'e-6 - China's latest leap of moon exploration - has claimed full success, as the returning capsule of the craft, carrying the first batch of lunar samples collected from the far side of the moon in human history, safely touched down in designated landing site in the Siziwang Banner, in North China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region on Tuesday afternoon at 2:07 pm.

Chinese President Xi Jinping on Tuesday extended congratulations on the complete success of the Chang'e-6 mission that brought back the world's first samples collected from the moon's far side. It marks "another landmark achievement in China's endeavor to become a space and sci-tech power," Xi noted. 

In the congratulatory letter, Xi also stressed the hope to strengthen international exchange and cooperation in carrying out major aerospace engineering projects including deep-space explorations.

According to the China National Space Administration (CNSA), as planned, after the necessary ground processing work is completed, the recovered Chang'e-6 returner will be airlifted to Beijing, where the sample containers and payload will be extracted. The CNSA will hold a handover ceremony at an appropriate time to officially transfer the lunar samples to the ground application system. Subsequently, the samples will undergo storage, analysis and related research work.

After successfully completing the Chang'e-6 mission, the Queqiao-2 relay satellite will carry out scientific exploration missions at an appropriate time. It will use its onboard instruments, including an extreme ultraviolet camera, an arrayed neutral atom imager, and an Earth-Moon Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) experiment system, to collect scientific data from the moon and deep space, the CNSA said in a statement sent to the Global Times. 

Stargazers from all over the world have paid close attention to the 53 day-long round trip of Chang'e-6, and applauded Tuesday for the unprecedented feat of it retrieving precious lunar samples from the far side of the moon, while suggesting that these samples would not only help enhance the humanity's understanding of the Earth's natural satellite but also create new opportunities for international cooperation in space studies, including those with the US.

"I do think a successful conclusion to this very complex mission [Chang'e-6] will show that Chang'e-5 was not just a fluke, and that Chinese space engineers really have mastered the challenges of carrying out these very difficult missions far from Earth, it's a real step forward in the maturity of the Chinese space effort," Jonathan McDowell, an astronomer from the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in the US, told the Global Times on Tuesday.

"The successful execution of the Chang'e-6 mission has achieved breakthroughs in key technologies such as retrograde lunar orbit design and control, rapid intelligent sampling on the lunar far side, and ascent from the lunar far side. These technological advancements lay a foundation for future deep space exploration missions," Kang Guohua, a professor of Aerospace Engineering at Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, told the Global Times on Tuesday.

The mission not only sets a new record for China's lunar exploration program but also has a profound impact on the global aerospace field. Through the Chang'e-6 mission, China has demonstrated its leadership and influence in space exploration, Kang said noting that lunar soil from the far side of the moon holds immense value for scientific research and deep space exploration due to its uniqueness. 

Since no human probe has directly landed on and sampled from the far side, the soil from this area offers a distinct perspective. The South Pole-Aitken Basin is the oldest and deepest large impact basin on the moon, and samples from here can help scientists study the moon's origin and evolution more deeply, potentially providing critical clues about the formation and evolution of the solar system, he said.

Potential of intl collaboration in space

This year marks the 20th anniversary of China's lunar exploration program. China stands ready to continue working with like-minded international partners to explore humanity's common domain of the outer space, realize the shared dream of people around the world to discover more about the moon, and strive to advance the world's common endeavor of peacefully using the outer space, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning said on Tuesday, commenting on Chang'e-6's success.

The Chang'e-6 mission hosted four international payloads to the moon, including the European Space Agency (ESA)'s lunar surface ion composition analyzer, France's radon detection instrument, Italy's laser corner reflector, and a CubeSat from Pakistan, the CNSA revealed to the Global Times.

Pakistan's CubeSat, the country's inaugural lunar satellite, has sent back the first images it captured on May 10. It also achieved its goal of "successful separation and obtaining telemetry," marking the smooth completion of Pakistan's first-ever lunar project.

ESA's lunar surface ion composition analyzer, jointly developed with the National Space Science Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, successfully completed seven scientific detections after it started up on June 2, with the total detection time exceeding 3 hours, thus achieving the scheduled goal of detecting the lunar surface for at least 1 hour. This payload conducted negative ion detection on the lunar surface for the first time internationally, and the joint team is currently conducting scientific data analysis.

For the French payload, Philippe Baptiste, chairman of the French National Center for Space Studies, said it would still take some time to get all the data, but they are looking forward to it, as "the last time France was on the moon with an active instrument, it was in 1970," Baptiste was quoted as saying in a CGTN report.

The Chang'e-6 mission and its collection of precious samples from the far side of the moon will create more opportunities for cooperation between China and Western countries in space, according to space observers. And it is highly likely that NASA would again greenlight its researchers to access to these precious samples retrieved by the Chang'e-6 mission, however, the difficulties still lie in the US' domestic legal barriers, they said. 

McDowell said he would be happy to see sharing of data between China and the US. The US space observer pointed out however that "the political winds here in the US are still strongly against allowing any large-scale cooperation."

In a November 29 statement, NASA said it has certified its intent to the US Congress to "allow NASA-funded researchers to apply to the China National Space Administration for access to lunar samples returned to Earth on the Chang'e 5 mission." However, NASA made it clear that this allowance applies specifically to Chang'e 5 mission samples and "the normal prohibition on bilateral activity with (the) PRC (People's Republic of China) on NASA-funded projects remains in place."

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning told the Global Times on June 7 at a regular press conference that China is always open toward space exchanges and cooperation with the US. There are, however, difficulties in China-US space cooperation at the moment, which are caused by US domestic legislation such as the Wolf Amendment that prevents normal exchanges and dialogue between Chinese and US space agencies, Mao said.

In a rarely seen friendly move, NASA Administrator Bill Nelson reportedly sent congratulations to China over the Chinese spacecraft's landing on the lunar surface earlier this month, saying he was impressed with its fourth successful moon landing, the Washington Post reported on US local time Monday. 

"I've been fairly pointed in my comments that we're in a space race with the Chinese, and that they are very good," he said in a recent interview with The Washington Post. "Especially in the last 10 years, they've had a lot of success. They usually say what they mean, and they execute on what they say."

However, the China space hawk continued its narrative of creating a new space race with China, by claiming that despite China's many achievements in space - which include an occupied space station in low Earth orbit and landing a rover on Mars in 2021 - the US remains on track to return astronauts to the lunar surface ahead of its chief rival, according to the report.  

In a key step toward that goal, NASA intends to fly four astronauts around the moon late next year, and then land people on the surface in late 2026 for the first time since the last of the Apollo missions, in 1972.

Despite competition between the US and China, the two countries will have to find a way to coexist on and around the moon, Nelson was quoted as saying.

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Tuesday 25 June 2024

Boost your smartphone battery life, Ways to Improve Your Smartphone's Battery Life


IF your smartphone battery is showing signs of weakness and tends to run down faster than before, it’s probably because you have one or more applications that are using a lot of power. 

Fortunately, it’s easy enough to identify them and manage their activity. 

To find out which applications are using the most power on your smartphone, go to the Battery section, which you can easily find in your phone’s settings, whether your operating system is Android or IOS.

You’ll then see a list of all the latest applications you’ve used. They’ll be ranked according to their respective battery use. 

You’ll even be able to find out how long some of them have been running in the background, if at all. Streaming and browsing applications are usually those that use the most power.

Contrary to popular belief and common practice, it’s best to leave your most frequently used applications open, rather than systematically closing them.

Restarting them over and over again will use more power, and will ultimately be detrimental to your battery.

Closing a mobile application only to reopen it a few minutes later not only drains battery life, but also puts pressure on the device’s RAM.

The less powerful a smartphone is, the more necessary it is to keep these applications open.

On the other hand, whatever your smartphone brand, you can always choose whether or not to allow each application to consume data in the background.

On Android, you can activate the Data Saver in the Network & Internet section of your Settings, while choosing which applications you authorise to run in the background. The same applies to IOS, in the Background App Refresh section.

Finally, don’t hesitate to restart your smartphone.

This will close all active applications, including those running in the background, and erase any accumulated temporary files, giving your device a fresh start.

There are also a host of batterysaving tricks you can try, from reducing screen brightness to temporarily turning off location settings, for example, to keep your smartphone running a lot longer. – AFP Relaxnews


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