“The Federal Government, in fact, has a duty to entertain English letters from Sarawak for official communications, as the National Language Act 1963/67 was never extended to Sarawak,” he said in a statement yesterday.
“Sarawakians are therefore free to opt to use English or Malay for letters to federal government departments since both languages are official languages in Sarawak.
“Particularly the use of the English language in Sarawak which is guaranteed by Article 161(3) of the Federal Constitution.”
ALSO READ: Federal Govt must accept official correspondence in English, says Sarawak minister
He was responding to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s directive to all government departments and universities not to entertain any letters written in languages other than Bahasa Malaysia.
Tiang, who is also Pelawan assemblyman, reminded the Prime Minister that English and Malay are official languages in Sarawak.
In KOTA KINABALU, Deputy State Secretary (Development) Datuk Dr Ahemad Sade said Sabah will keep to its optional use of English in all its official correspondence until decided otherwise by the state leadership.
“This (directive) was announced by the Federal Government, so we will look at it in detail,” he said after an event yesterday.
The question of whether to follow this policy, he said, will be discussed in a meeting with the state leadership closer to or after the state assembly meeting scheduled for the end of next month.
ALSO READ: Sabah keeping to optional use of English in correspondence until further notice
“For the time being, both Malay and English can be used,” he added.
Former Sabah chief minister Datuk Seri Dr Salleh Said Keruak, who is Usukan assemblyman, said new policies should be coordinated with Sabah and Sarawak before being implemented.
He said that this is to ensure a smooth implementation while also bringing benefits to all.
“It cannot be denied that Malay is our national language, and we welcome this new policy (directive on all-Malay letters).
“But the importance of English also can’t be questioned,” he said during an excellence in education event in the Kota Belud district yesterday.
Another former chief minister, Datuk Seri Yong Teck Lee, said the policy could be detrimental to economic development.
LSO READ: Provide an early foundation in English
He noted that some government departments, by necessity and the nature of their work, must communicate in English.
“English is the lingua franca of international trade, communication and diplomacy.
“I am not only referring to Wisma Putra (Foreign Ministry) but also to agencies like the Malaysia Industrial Development Authority, Malaysia Trade Agency and Bank Negara.
“Returning incoming mail that is written in languages other than Bahasa Malaysia will also send a negative message to the international community.
“It will suggest that Malaysia is not open to foreign investment or trade and that it is not interested in collaborating with other countries,” he said in a statement.
Parti Warisan deputy president Datuk Darell Leiking said the directive should not have been issued arbitrarily but only carried out after seeking the feedback and consensus of the Sabah and Sarawak governments

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